The British Dental Acupuncture Society
The British Dental Acupuncture Society

Who we are        

The British Dental Acupuncture Society is a small group of dental professionals, who aim to promote the use of acupuncture in dentistry to improve patient experiences and treatment outcomes. 



What we offer     

The British Dental Acupuncture Society offers help to both dental professionals, and to patients. 


For professionals - at present we offer training in the use of acupuncture suitable for dentistry, with weekend courses in the practical use of acupuncture, taught by dentists experienced in the use of acupuncture. We also offer follow on training when demand allows, and ongoing support.


For patients we offer information about acupuncture in dentistry, and may be able to help you to find a dentist in your area who uses acupuncture. 


Why acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a medical treatment developed in China thousands of years ago that has received a huge amount of interest, and is now becoming increasingly popular in the West. It may be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions. Amongst these are a number of problems that may be diagnosed and treated by your dentist, ranging from gagging during treatment, to facial and jaw pain problems. 

Acupuncture is a safe treatment, and can be used in combination with other treatments, such as physiotherapy, and conventional medicine. Research often shows that the results achieved with acupuncture are as good as conventional medicine (not necessarily better), but often with fewer side effects. 

Welcome to The British Dental Acupuncture Society.

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